Thursday, April 26, 2007

Let's look at the light together

What is darkness/evil? A good friend of mine shared an interpretation that really opened my eyes. Many people wonder why God created evil, but did God really create evil? I love physics and the study of light.

How do we see light? Light is either directly shown into our eyes or reflected off of particles of dust. Essentially light can be there but we are not seeing it. What happens when we do not see light, or there is an absence of light? The easy answer is darkness.

Now to have light there needs to be a light source. Physically we have the sun or a lamp to demonstrate this. Jesus is often referred to as the "light of the world". He is our spiritual light source. I am in total belief that the light on the first day was God revealing Jesus to the world (Please note that I specifically say reveal, not create Jesus). This light was definitely not the sun, stars, or moon. These are clearly defined in day 3 (or was it 4). The new testament refers to Jesus as the light and that we would not need the light from the physical sources as we have him.

The amazing point my friend made that inspired my reflection on light is "darkness is the absence of light", which in turns means evil is the absence of Christ. What an amazing thought! It is so true. Have you ever noticed how wonderful things are when you get a nice dose of Jesus? Then maybe a week later, after the high, as there is less focus on Jesus and more on yourself, there is an absence, a void. What is the result? Sin! How are you with Christ lately? I have allowed myself to let some of the light disappear. I began to try to make my own light, which as you know, just does not work. I began to see myself overeat, be a little more selfish, and become very lazy especially in my spiritual walk. I was feeling so unhealthy. I am so thankful for our Lord, because he has put a new fire in me, one I do not recall having at least at this magnitude. I am longing for him in a huge way. Along side this longing, though, there is some serious spiritual warfare going on here. Satan always has to get in the way. Satan truly does not want this longing in me and I can feel him trying to pull me down. He is doing everything he can to side track me. Despite this battle, I welcome it because I can see the light and I want more.

Earlier I said "Essentially light can be there but we are not seeing it". This makes my heart weep for those who are still blinded to the light, completely. I know I am not perfect and the light for me sometimes dims, but I am so thankful that God has chosen me to see the light. Thank you and praise you oh Lord! I pray that God will use us as particles of dust to reflect his light onto these beautiful people who have not seen the light. I pray that he uses us in the same way to the other Christian's especially those who may need a little extra light at this time in their lives.