26In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. 27And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. Romans 8:26 - 27
I love reading this verse in Romans. Reading Romans 8:26 - 27 reminds me of the importance of quiet time. I love the description of the Holy Spirit groaning for us. Do you spend quiet time? Have you ever just sat in perfect quietness, not thinking any thoughts, at your most restful state? I find in these moment the holy spirit flowing like rivers. Sometimes we need to be still, be quiet and stop our constant prayer and listen. How many of us just sit and listen? How many of us endlessly blabber away as if we were the only one to speak? I have always valued my quiet time with the Lord. It has always been peaceful, uplifting, and refreshing. Sometimes it is so peaceful I cannot help but fall asleep. The amazing thing is that in these moments of pure silence in our minds and heart, the holy spirit often prompts us to pray for something. So why don't I do more of it when it is so healthy for me? Lord please continue to remind me to be still. Please remind me to release control but instead let the spirit intercede for me.
"...pure silence in our minds and heart..." I long for this. God knows how much we need this. It is so great to be reminded of this in your post. Thank you!
Thank you for stopping by my spring pictures. And thank you for this reminder - I am one that talks too much!
I am praying for you and danielle...i only met her a few months ago, and visit her when I can....with God at the core of your relationship, may your love endure any distance as He strengthens amd bonds the two of you together ...
God Bless...and keep writing.
...more please
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